Housebreakings in Aberdeenshire
A man has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal following a number of house breakings in Newtonhill.
The incidents happened in the early hours of Thursday 31 October 2024.
Most housebreakings are carried out by opportunist thieves – so take away the opportunity and keep
your home and possessions safe. Lock windows and doors even when you are at home but keep keys nearby in case of an emergency.
There are a number of products you can buy which contain a unique code like DNA. This code is registered to your address.
They are usually clear liquids which can be applied onto your possessions.
Check you have adequate insurance cover. Photograph and record your valuables to assist any insurance claim
or Police report. This will assist police in identifying any items recovered.
When you're away use timers to turn on lights, radios, or TVs to put off unwanted visitors. Smart plugs allow times to be changed even whilst away.
Make it as hard as possible to break into your home.
Further advice about keeping your home safe can be found in the ‘After Dark’ leaflet. 
Original message sent by: Michael Urquhart (Police Scotland, PC, A Div - North East Crime Reduction Team)

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