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Community Safety Group encourages safety for fossil hunters

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A statement issued by Kevin Hutchens, Chairperson of the Kincardine and Mearns Community Safety Group has expressed concern that fossil hunters visiting the rocks off the coast at Cowie, near Stonehaven could put themselves in danger from incoming tides.

Kevin Hutchens said:

"It can be safely predicted that once the news of the worlds oldest landloving fossil reaches the Geolological community the rocks of this beautiful North east town will be swarming with rock hunters.This could be good news for the local economy, but it is crucial that all visitors be they amateur or professional geologists or maybe inquiring members of the public take the fullest possible safety precautions before venturing out onto the beaches and seeking out new discoveries of ancient natural history."

Kevin Hutchens went on to say:-

"I have therefore contacted the Coastguard to express my concern at the continuing need for safe Fossil hunting on the coastline of the Mearns and they have offered the following advice"
  • Take local advice on dangers, never go alone.
  • Plan an escape route in case the tide comes in too fast.
  • Take care not to loose your footing, always plan your day so as to know when the tide is turning and check the weather forecast.
  • Keep an eye on the incoming tide, never venture too close to the waters edge.
  • Do not touch strange metallic objects as they could be chemical or carry explosives.
  • Wrap up in warm waterproof clothes as Hypothermia can ruin a good Fossil hunt.

Kevin Hutchens further stated:

"Such advice from the Coastguard is good advice and deserves the fullest publicity. Also to be heeded by all is the SeaSmart code with its commonsense guidelines for all visitors to our hauntingly beautiful coastline."

Click on the SeaSmart logo to go to the Marine & Coastguard Agency's web site.

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