Oversharing online
Thanks to the internet it’s easy to share about what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, your opinions,
likes, dislikes, passions and interests. As well as information and updates about yourself, family and friends, keeping everyone up to date about your life.
But what if what you share doesn’t have the effect you intended it to because it’s oversharing? Like
your home being burgled because you posted your family holiday pics. Or your identity being stolen if
a criminal pieces together the personal details in your profile. The attached leaflet provides tips
and advice on making sure you don't overshare online.
Separately, a recent survey also revealed that we're too polite when it comes to scam callers - all the information
can be seen here, along with some short animations providing advice on how to handle scam callers:
The advice - if you receive a telephone call from someone you're not expecting simply say ‘I’m not interested, thank you' and hang up.
Get the Oversharing Advice Document HERE