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Vehicle Crime Warning - Relay Theft

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We have recently been made aware of increased reports of this particular type of vehicle crime across Scotland.

Relay Attack – How It Works:

Relay Theft Diagram

Each of the thieves carries a "relay box" – a device that relays the signal from the car key to the car.

One attacker gets near enough to the key (in the house) to pick up the signal, "relays" it to the second box carried by the second criminal, who’s near enough to the car for the signal to be transmitted to it and trigger the unlocking. The criminals are then free to drive away in the stolen car, and to replace the locks at a later date.

Here are a few simple steps to minimise the risk of relay theft:

  • Use a Faraday box or wallet to block any signal being sent or received by your car keys and get into the habit of always putting your keys in such a box when you return home. Make sure your spare key is also stored in a Faraday box or wallet.
  • The material used in Faraday pouches deteriorates over time so double-check the effectiveness of your Faraday pouch by checking it periodically. Another option is storing your keys far away from your car in a fully enclosed metal box.
  • Never store your vehicle keys next to the front door.
  • Turn off keyless ignition if possible (manufacturer dependant).
  • Use a mechanical steering lock.
  • Consider an OBD port lock.(The OBD port is the diagnostic port inside your car which is often used by criminals to target the vehicle electronic systems).
  • Park in well-lit areas with CCTV coverage whenever possible.

For further advice contact your local Crime Prevention Officer, or visit our website HERE


Safer Communities Safer Scotland booklet from Neighbourhood Watch Scotland HERE

Original Message Sent By
Mark Irvine (Police Scotland, Constable, A Div - Grampian)

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