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Police Scotland Ransomware Campaign

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Police Scotland Ransomware Campaign

During October Police Scotland’s Cyber Harm Prevention Team is raising awareness of Ransomware attacks as part of European Cyber Security Month. Ransomware is malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. It is increasingly used by cyber criminals to exploit money from individuals and businesses. Police Scotland's advice is:

  • If threatened to pay a ransom for your information, don't - there's no guarantee you will get access to your data and your device will still be infected
  • If you receive a phone call offering help to clean up your computer, hang up immediately
  • Keep your apps up to date - don't put off applying updates!
  • Make sure your antivirus product is turned on and up to date

For further information about protecting yourself from Ransomware attacks see the cyber security section on Police Scotland's website.

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