Heating Oil and Diesel Theft
Police Scotland are appealing for information in relation to the theft of diesel from two commercial vehicles in the Crimond area. Approximately £800 of diesel was
siphoned from two vehicles on the site between 6.00 pm on Wednesday 18th December and 7.45 am on Thursday 19th December 2024.
Also stolen from the site was a Milwaukee tower light and 2 x 5 AMP batteries.
If you have any information in relation to this incident you can:
You can deter thieves by:
- Installing and using lockable gates and by maintaining boundaries and perimeter fencing.
- Consider fitting a locking cap to your tank.
- Check fuel levels regularly.
- Where possible install automatic movement sensor security lighting to cover your vehicles and the immediate surrounding area.
- Note suspicious vehicle registration numbers and report them to the police through the 101 number.
- Be aware that if thieves have already stolen fuel from your tank they may return to steal any replacement fuel you order.
For the protection of heating oil tanks be aware:
The position of the tank can have a significant effect on how hard a target it is in the eyes of the thief.
If the tank is close to the house, with one or more windows capable of giving a view of it, then the thief may consider
the chances of being seen as too high. If the tank is close to a road, path, drive or alleyway then it will be a
a more appealing prospect. Tanks do need to be within a reasonable distance of the road otherwise the oil supply
company may not be able to refill it for you.
Defensive plants (spikey bushes/plants), fences and walls can also make life difficult for a would-be thief.
A wooden or metal fence, trellis or wall can give significant protection to the tank. A metal or grill cage with
a lockable access point across the top of this wall or fence can further improve security. The wall or fence
should be as close to the tank and as high as possible. Of course a trellis could also be decorated with defensive planting.
Criminals usually come equipped with a limited range of tools to attack your tank so it’s worth spending a
little more on good quality locks. Close shackle padlocks are the best as they offer most resistance to the most
popular of burglar tools; the bolt cropper! Due to their design, close shackle padlocks have very little of the
metal hoop (shackle) exposed and bolt croppers cannot get a good grip. Remember that buying a padlock is like
buying a car. The more you pay the better the quality and the longer it will last.
Motion-sensor security lighting and CCTV cameras are a good crime prevention and detection tool. Thieves
don’t want to be seen. Install lighting and CCTV in access locations, vulnerable areas and around the perimeter
of houses. Consider audible and monitored intruder alarm systems. With improving technology in this area
and a reduction in the cost of CCTV systems, they can be bought for fairly modest sums, allowing you to
monitor your home, 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
A recent edition of the North East Crime Reduction Team’s Rural Security Guide newsletter contains advice on fuel theft and appropriate security measures.
North East Division Crime Reduction Officer Constable Irvine said:
"Heating oil tanks have the potential to store thousands of pounds worth of fuel, and are often located
in remote areas - this can make them an attractive target for thieves. With spiralling oil and gas costs we
can expect to see an increase in this type of crime. Being a victim of heating oil theft is a costly, inconvenient and upsetting experience.
"In order to steal heating oil, thieves will usually decant, syphon or pump oil from your tank into other containers.
Thieves might use this oil themselves, or sell it on."
A range of really useful crime prevention advice is available on the Police Scotland website at www.scotland.police.uk
Download Police Scotland's Heating Oil Security advice HERE 
Advice regarding home security can also be found at www.securedbydesign.com/guidance/crime-prevention-advice/fuel-theft
